Tag Archives: breast development


Digital Illustration of the Breast Cells
Digital Illustration of the Breast Cells


There is nothing wrong with your body. Mother Nature is simply taking its course on you.

As you reach the age of adolescent, the body begins to develop, the little nipples starts to grow bigger, you begin to grow pubic hair  and noticeable hair under your armpit, you start ovulating, all of a sudden you see the red flag; Oh My God! You’ve reached the puberty stage. Mum says you have to stay away from your male friends else you will get pregnant, and OMG you are scared. Why is mum saying this now, why not before now? You know what; mum too is as scared as you are.

Development begins to occur, mentally, physically and spiritually, a tremendous change begins. Mentally, the desire, whims, and attitudes of childhood are swept away and are being replaced by fantasy, anxiousness, sensible and mature thoughts. The little girl of yesteryears gradually transforms into a woman. All manner of changes that can be attributed to Mother Nature.

Sometimes ago, I was approached by a young girl who feels angered and irritated at the slightest provocation. She complained of all sorts of changes in her body. She was very worried that something is wrong with her. Her nipples are growing bumps and they are painful, tender and sore. She is quite uncomfortable. She hasn’t talk to anyone yet except me.

Growing breast is part of the development taking place in your body. It is a normal part of development. It is not what you should be worried about. Sooner rather than later, your breast will become bigger and fuller and they will be neither sore nor painful, but comfortable.

For most girls breast development is the first evidence that puberty has began. Every girl is different so no breast will grow at the same pace; neither will it be of the same size.


Averagely, breast starts to grow between the age of 9 and 11 years. While some girls grow their breast at an early age, some grow at a later age. Remember, you grow your breast throughout your teenage life because that’s when you grow to become an adult.


The ovaries start to secrete estrogens, causing the area underneath your nipple to grow. It looks like a bump but it is called ‘breast bud’. Soon your nipple and the skin surrounding your nipple (areola) will grow larger and deeper in colour, eventually growing into a breast.

One breast usually grows faster than the other, not to worry; it will even out in the long run. Even if one is slightly larger than the other (which is common in women) you will be the one to notice it, no other person will.

When you start your period (menstruation), your breast may feel a little tender and sore; it will become fuller and rounder.


Sweetheart, size doesn’t matter. Not when the aim of breast is to nurse your baby. Though, girls with small breast sometimes feel less feminine than those with bigger breasts. This is nothing to worry about as small breast is easier to take care of than bigger ones.

  • You can go braless without people noticing it
  • Small size breast often keeps it shape after breast feeding
  • You don’t need to worry about feeling heavy when pregnant or breastfeeding
  • It’s got more milk than tissue

The truth is, no matter what shape or size you end up having, it is your breast and you should get to understand and love them. Loving your breast no matter the size builds up your self esteem and gives you the courage to enjoy your growing years.



Now lets talk about other changes in the body. The Pubic hair, Ovulation and Mentruation