Tag Archives: puberty


Menarche; The First Menstrual Flow of an Adolescent Girl

The female reproductive tract with diagram showing the mouth of the uterus and some other crucial parts of the female reproductive organ
The female reproductive tract with diagram showing the mouth of the uterus and some other crucial parts of the female reproductive organ

Menarche is the first menstrual cycle or menstrual bleeding which female humans experience. It is considered the central event of female puberty and also signals the possibility of fertility.

Menarche is experienced by girls at different ages. The timing is usually influenced by biology, genetic, environmental and nutritional factors. Even though menarche is difficult to estimate accurately and varies by geographical region, ethnicity, race and some other factors, menarche in female can start as early as 9 years and as late as 17 years.


What changes occur during menarche?

  • Accumulation of body mass. You start growing bigger
  • The ovaries starts to secret estrogens
  • The uterus starts to grow, height growth occurs, the breast begins to grow, the pelvis starts to widen, all because estrogens stimulate these growths.
  • Estrogen also stimulates the growth and vascularity of the lining of the uterus (endometrium)
  • The endometrial lining builds and sheds. It lasts an average of 28days.


A lot of changes occur when menarche happens in female adolescent.


There is no specific hormonal signal known for menarche. Menarche is caused due to the gradual thickening of the endometrium over years by the rising and falling of pubertal estrogen.

The flow is combined of fresh and clotted blood. The first flow of menarche is usually brighter than subsequent or matured flow. It is often scanty and may last a short period. Menarche can come in form of spotting. It can also be accompanied by abdominal cramping or discomfort usually experienced during other menses.

The occurrence of menarche confirms that the uterus has grown gradually due to the presence of estrogen, and that the uterus through the cervix to the virgina is now open.


What Happens After Menarche?

What happens after menarche? You now have become a fertile woman. Which simply means, pregnancy can occur if sexual intercourse with the opposite sex occurs. This doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant before menarche, you can get pregnant before menarche.


How do I take care of myself?

There are hundreds of sanitary pads sold over the counter. Don’t be ashamed to ask a pharmacist for one. Sanitary towel should be changed every 4 hours for proper hygiene.

Engage yourself in plenty of exercise. Stretch your thighs and exercise your pelvic area.

Drink plenty of water. Water is good for the body; this freshens the skin and expels unwanted materials from the body.

Eat enough vegetable and fruits.

Sleep well.




